Crystal Screen

1 min readNov 11, 2021

— poem —


Someone answered me on TV

Someone not with my vote

That someone, however, not wearing a mask back at me.

Her back was from the screen. Basically an extra in politics. I watched for how empty the room was. What I could think of the extra space. How loud his mother had to be at the after party. On TV. The celebration of Castro’s son failing the majority.

He won.

I thought — are we fucked — ?

— maybe someone sharing thoughts, like me, are working for us there. —

Intuition spun it’s Dime under her feet, she turned on it, she faced me through the other side of the TV screen.

— Are Token Trojans possible? —

Her face at the camera, Maybe somewhat recognizing(?)

She was not wearing the mask back at me.

Later, I definitely questioned if it’s possible. Maybe that spin is all in some random timing. Or worse, something knows how I think.

So I try to think back.

Like I did when I got that look.

What do I do? What can I make work?

I do this because It’s definitely going on.

But what I saw? How can I try another doubt?

But I know her face.

She was someone not wearing the mask back at me.





Hello. My pronouns are bio/logical. God is a plural.